Divorce And


Not everyone gets to live happily ever after with a loved one. No one marries to get divorced. Relationships are hard. I know. I'm divorced. I've been a single parent. Relationships teach us about ourselves. Even through the painful parts.

If you want support as you navigate through the ups and downs of your loss, I'm here to guide you. I'm here to help you to reconnect to the loving truth of who you are - 

Lovable - Worthy - Capable - Confident - Awesome.

I'm here to challenge the patterns that defeat you. The ones that block you from having the kind of relationship that you deserve and want. To be comfortable alone, without needing to be dependent on another for your sense of self worth.

I'm here to help you to let go of the past. To create a new future for yourself. To forgive yourself and others.

I'm here to help your children adapt to, and cope with not having both their parents in the same home.

To help them with living in two different homes. To adapt to differences in parenting styles. Or to cope with not seeing a parent as much as they would like to. Or, to being disappointed and sad. Or angry. Or confused.

There are lots of thoughts and feelings that kids have when their parents don't want to be together anymore.

Let me guide you through.


"My elementary aged daughter and I were experiencing the stress of an unusual lengthy two year plus, heavily litigated divorce and custody battle. As a concerned dad looking for the best mental health professional, we came to Sharon Diaz looking for counseling services to help us through the lengthy process. Sharon provided counseling and coping tools that yielded us the ability to move through the biggest life changing event ever. Sharon’s expertise, compassion and understanding of children and families in this type of situation helped my daughter navigate through anxiety, depression, and anger.  The new found tools gave her the ability to express her feelings and improved her self confidence through the process of the divorce. Without Sharon’s counseling, we may not have had the opportunity to have a strong father-daughter bond. 

Additionally, my daughter changing from mom’s home to dad’s home and experiencing different parenting styles was very difficult in an equally shared custody arrangement. I can say with conviction that Sharon’s role was crucial in the positive mental health of my daughter during these transitioning phases. Even through the post-divorce experiences and new adult relationships, Sharon proved so valuable in helping my daughter make sense of the influx of complex feelings. Both my daughter and I are very grateful for the loving assistance and positivity Sharon has given to us, she has become a life-long friend."  Glenn


"I started seeing Sharon at the beginning of my divorce process, and I was an emotional mess.  On any given day, I could go from hopeful to angry to scared to sad and back again.  I was on an emotional roller coaster, and I wasn't able to see where or when the ride would stop.  I was looking for someone to help me stop the ride, but instead, Sharon helped me to understand the emotions and how to use them for their intended purpose. I learned how to work through the emotions by accepting them and learning from them rather than denying them.  

Through compassionate listening and insightful words, Sharon helped me to realize what had brought me to this point in my life.  She helped me take back the power that I had given away, and with this power I was able to navigate through a very difficult divorce.  I went from feeling like a victim of marriage to my own personal superhero.  I am so very grateful for the guidance that Sharon provided me and now have the tools I need to continue my journey of growth and self-discovery."  -Sara